
Saturday 21 June 2014

Public phone today, yesterday and tomorrow

Assalamualaikum... hi hello bloggersss!!!

    See the title for the entry today.. PUBLIC PHONE.. oh my god, Cik Sunshine gonna be doing an essay about public phone.. Write the advantages and disadvantages of public phone... hemohemo (smile as big as I can when I'm doing essay during my school time)

Oppss..stop! stop!
    I'm not doing the essay I just want to tell a story that happened to me 2 weeks ago.

Two weeks ago something happened that tear me.. My phone plug-in has damaged and I can't charged my phone. Not enough money to repair it. Sobsob ! ___ ! ohhh...everything happened that time..

    Many questions arise in my mind
         I want to call my family. How?
         What to do without phone?
         How to keep updating with many things, people???

For me, my phone is my life.

    For about two days I didn't touched my phone. Suddenly I remember the public phone.. Yes yes I can call my mom. Chatting, gosipping bla..bla..

Thank god I had a plenty of coin. The coin save me. The mission for that time...

Stop! where I gonna find public phone in my hostel??? I've never seen any public phone before this. Ohhh mann!!! This is serious. Keep calm Cik Sunshine..lets get out to the town first.

      Finally there public phone near the bus station.. BUT

 Not this public phone



This is serious. There public phone but the damaged one. How come this happened to me? 
       I sat in Mamak and asking myself.. TODAY, nobody wanted to use the public phone anymore. All people already have their own phone. Pity you public phone.

What about tomorrow? Are there still public phone? Are the future generations know the public phone?


During my secondary in boarding school public phone is the famous amous ever.. Everyday, every night public phone was my best friend. Always 'gayut' there. Hahaha..

       I remembered the time when we 'cop' to have turn using the public phone. Line up to use it. Go to coop and buy 'kad fon' after prep. class.. That was so classic and memorable. You know what, Cik Sunshine still kept the beautiful 'kad fon'.

Is there any 'kad fon' we can find today?

So that the story. 
        YESTERDAY, public phone is the best friend
        TODAY, where the public phone? Oh there are public phone near the______, at the ______ but the           damaged one.

I hope so that in the future we can still see and use the public phone not only during the emergency time.


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